THANK YOU for wanting to help my son and ALL babies fighting ASMD!!! There are 3 very effective ways to help:

DONATE to our campaign & help us fundraise!
​You could host a lemonade stand, a bake sale, a garage sale, a car wash!
If you do, I've noticed people appreciate flyers (like this one!) to learn more about Damian (it also helps spread the word!)
You can also help us fundraise just by shopping on Amazon! Click ANY Amazon link I post on social media or (like this one!) and then just shop like normal to earn us a commission! You do not need to purchase the specific item I am posting about for this to work! You just need to click the link and make any purchase in the same sitting!

SHARE our story!
​Sharing our story repeatedly is the MOST HELPFUL action anyone can take!
We need people to be talking about Damian, ASMD/Niemann-Pick Type A, and the demand for treatment. It has opened so many doors for us and has allowed us to be on TV, interviewed for newspapers and magazines, and more. You never know what connections you are just one post away from! Your help in spreading the word makes an INCREDIBLE difference!
I also have printable flyers, yard signs, and car magnets ready to download and print at your local print shop! CLICK HERE to check them out!

ENGAGE with our content!
Nearly ALL of our current funding is due to people sharing our story on social media - can you believe it???
This is why I have been putting so much effort into our online presence. I'm sure you have heard of people talking about "the social media algorithm" - simply put, the more likes, comments, saves, and shares a post has, the more the social media platform will purposefully make the post appear to more people.
So please follow me on our social media platforms and then ENGAGE with our content - even a simple comment or saving a post really DOES help boost our visibility so much!

Thank you
It is humbling and so encouraging that you want to help our family save my child. I am so so grateful and I pray for you every day. From the bottom of my heart, truly, thank you. <3
Have Something Else to Offer?
Our ideas for new campaign-boosting initiatives stems in part from our current resources. If you have any ideas for us, or have a skill or capability to offer, please let us know! THANK YOU!